Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Waiting Game

Well I took my 3 hour glucose test this morning. Not as bad/boring as I thought it would be, thank goodness. Now I just have to wait for the results to come back. The 1 hr test results were back in 24 hrs so I will call tomorrow afternoon to see if the 3 hr results are back ...holding my breath...

We went back to the high risk doctor this afternoon. We had to see our dr. partner since our high risk was out of town. Appt lasted about 10 minutes (normally about 30) and all he said was "looks good, come back in 4 weeks" no real news to share. Oh and the u/s tech (who always does her thing first and then the dr does another u/s..she said "wow he's all over the place did you have a lot of caffeine today?" I said "nope thats just him lately, wiggly worm" Oh and she said that his head is WAYYYY down there (guess that's the position we're going for) which means the hard thing I feel above my belly button is his butt!!

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